Foreign Effect by Jason Lee and Meagan Chang
A SciFi Supernatural Alien Hero Tale
From one moment to the next, you'll want to discover what happens next. If you're looking for an exhilarating science fiction thriller with a superhero twist, you won't be disappointed.
Charlotte Clearwater, a heroine from the world of Xegistea, possessing the unique ability to teleport, finds herself on Earth after encountering a catastrophic event on her home planet, where she must adapt to her newfound surroundings and harness her teleportation powers, aided by her mentor Professor Sheng, to ultimately combat a global pandemic using her healing and teleportation abilities in a race against time to save humanity from the deadly virus threatening the planet.
She finds herself on Earth, not knowing how she got there. How is she to adapt to this new planet that she finds herself on and what will she do with her newfound ability? She must find a way to hone in her ability and understand how her teleportation powers work. Her best friend, guardian and mentor, Professor Sheng, helps her hone her skills and adapt to her new home.
Fast forward a few years…the plot revolves around an outbreak of a deadly virus that eventually becomes a pandemic for the entire planet. Against the professor’s warnings, Charlotte now must find a way to save this planet and humanity that she’s come to admire over these past few years she’s been living there. Can her ability to teleport and heal save humanity? She must team up with scientists, doctors, and disease experts around the world to race against time in order to find a cure/vaccine for this virus. Will humanity prevail over this virus? Or will the virus overtake the planet?
AmazonExcerpt from Foreign Effect© Copyright 2023 Jason Lee and Meagan Chang
“The unexplained virus that ravaged The Gambia at the beginning of the week, ending in eighty casualties, has now reportedly spread to six countries in sub-Saharan Africa, along with France, Germany, and Canada. Tens of people in these places are reportedly coming down with symptoms that characterized the outbreak in The Gambia, such as high fevers coupled with shock and partial paralysis. Flu and pulmonary difficulties have also been recorded in freshly infected people. The WHO has revealed the virus may have spread all over The Gambia, as new cases are reportedly popping up. As much is unknown about this new outbreak, the WHO has warned that people should avoid contact with other people as much as they can, until more findings are made. We shall keep our eyes out and share the details with you as they come.”
Her fingers dig deep into the leather folds of the sofa. Sheng walks in, munching from a bowl of popcorn and syrup. He looks at her, and then at the screen. The smile on his face vanishes.
The virus, which the WHO had resorted to calling ‘Virus X’ since much remained unknown about its genetic anatomy, had spread all over The Gambia and much of Africa due to panic, the newscaster elaborated. Reports showed that, rather than comply with the WHO’s directives, nomadic tribesmen in The Gambia fled the country out of fear for their lives. Unknown to them, several individuals within their ranks had contracted the virus already. By the time they crossed the final ridges of the Futa
D’jallon hills, half the tribe was already infected, along with everyone else around them. For the countries further down the map of Africa, the WHO had several of theories about how the new virus had reached them, but the most prominent one was that it had infected some natives through the water supply, just as had been suspected initially in the case of The Gambia. Charlotte wonders about Harvey Black’s statement on the radio, about the North Pole and prehistoric viruses frozen in glaciers. What if it was more than speculation? What if this was really the beginning of the end?
A bubble of moisture coalesces at the base of her eyelid. She hasn’t felt this upset with Sheng, ever. “I could’ve gone to the CDC. Supported the effort. I could have helped buffer the spread, deliver supplies. I could’ve lent myself and made a difference much earlier.”
Sheng sighs. He can tell she’s enraged, seeing as her voice has raised an octave. From the moment he withheld information about the spread of the virus from her, he had anticipated an outburst of this magnitude, but had only desired to protect her. From herself. He wonders how he can relay this without ticking her off any further. He feels the warmth of her skin drain away as she peels her shoulder from his palm, in a gesture that speaks volumes. His heart jolts from a pang of intangible pain.
“I knew you would feel betrayed. But think about what you’re considering doing. Think about the rejection and heartache lying in wait for you when you reveal to the world who you truly are, and when you realize you’re still only one person in a sea of seven billion potentially sick people.” His voice falls, taking on an unusual, gravelly quality. “If there’s one huge lesson I’ve drawn from all my life and learning, apart from the fact it’s most times best to let events run their natural course, it’s that to arrive too soon is to arrive too small. I have never once doubted the strength that lies inside of you, Charlotte, and you know it. I’m literally your biggest fan. But I fear that the world still isn’t ready for you.”
My profession is online marketing and development (10+ years experience), check my latest mobile app called Upcoming or my Chrome extensions for ChatGPT. But my real passion is reading books both fiction and non-fiction. I have several favorite authors like James Redfield or Daniel Keyes. If I read a book I always want to find the best part of it, every book has its unique value.