A Sword of the Three Rivers by Seth Hobbs
The Sendyne Empire Series Book 1
An epic odyssey of an exiled warrior, when his fate becomes intertwined with warlords, corrupt priests and politicians, mythic mysteries, pirates, assassins, and lusty vixens– but the massive Sendyne Empire seeks to dominate them all.
Begin an epic journey in a forgotten time, where empires rise and fall, helping or destroying smaller provinces along the way.
Follow the bloody and lusty adventures of young Bovir of the Woodlands, as his destiny becomes intertwined with the many colorful characters, beautiful vixens, kingdoms, politicians, priests, bankers, and terrifying warlords that he meets along the way, simply trying to return home and find his revenge for the many wrongs dealt to him.
Alongside these quests, he must deal with the whims of the gods, ancient prophecies, and the corruption of the religious overlords that keep their secrets. An odyssey for a new generation of readers and fantasy fans.
AmazonExcerpt from A Sword of the Three Rivers © Copyright 2022 Seth Hobbs
Rubius breathed heavily at the completion of his story, and waited for a rebuttal. “Perhaps the man is dead by now; the universe has a way of unfolding on scavengers, though I have yet to catch up with those I know,” proclaimed Bovir truthfully.
“Oh, on the contrary, young Barbarian; my sources tell me Avkar is very much alive and well, and you will soon learn that the universe is quite forgiving to treacherous parasites such as that. It is only with much time and planning oftentimes that destiny can finally be re-forged,” the older man imparted with the air of a senator or king.
“Forgive me, Sir,” said Bovir, “But how do I fit into this story, if I might be so brave?” Rubius laughed a bit, cutting his next gulp of wine to a short sip in order to reply more quickly, “Indeed, you must be brave! Your bravery is something that should come in very handy in the final chapter of this tale,” the scarred emissary bellowed. “You and the Elephant are to help me reclaim my pride, and possibly double my fortune! I have never found two more promising prospects for the deadly games of Avkar’s island state than the two of you. Of course, your fighting skills will require a bit more refinement, but soon I foresee all of us making a great deal of money and one hell of a name!” Rubius exclaimed.
Bovir and Abzrielle were not nearly as enthusiastic, and the bearded advisor seemed more bored than everyone as usual. “So,” Rubius continued rapidly, “You have a choice, as you did yesterday, Wild Man–Fight for me, or return to the sea from whence you came.”
It was hardly a choice, reckoned Bovir, but the choice was obvious. This new master of his was an odd mixture of aristocratic breeding and soldierly bluntness, of silly aspirations yet accomplished goals; I must watch this one as a hawk, thought the Three Rivers warrior–as a hawk.
“This time, I will take everything from that sand breathing reptile!” Rubius vented, obviously back on the trail of vengeful planning. “Even if he rules the city-state, or is still esteemed by the governor, I will have nearly 400 men at my disposal. If things get rough this time, at least I will hold bargaining chips on the side.” Rubius’s smooth, golden-ringed fingers squeezed his chalice as if to break it, as he finished the last drop of wine. “This will be my final diplomatic mission,” he said sarcastically, “Before we can double back to the Empire to work on the treatise of neighbors…”
Time passed quickly on the voyage to the Far East, much quicker than Bovir thought possible at first. He was stuck in the middle of some vengeful demigod’s quest sailing far away from that of his own. Rubius had him training now with the Elephant, who actually had a more human name, Bovir learned. He also learned much more from the giant of a man that Abzrielle had nearly left sterile that first fateful day on the ship.
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