Top Palmistry Books For You To Proficiently Master The Remarkable Art

best Palmistry Books

Palmistry, or palm reading is an ancient art that mostly entails studying someone’s palm for fortune-telling, emotional analysis, behavior and a lot more. Palmistry has been practiced all around the world and is accompanied by various cultural differences.

If you are not aware of the power that lies within your hands, then you need to grab yourself a palmistry book and discover the secret. For palmistry beginners and experts out there, you can better your skills with palmistry books. These books will usually offer insights and guidance for anyone interested in the art.

Here, we detail top palmistry books that will help you master the art of palm reading.

The Art and Science of Hand Reading, by Ellen Goldberg & Dorian Bergen

The Art and Science of Hand Reading was put together based on the Western Mystery tradition and Ellen’s experience as a palmistry teacher of forty years. Ellen and Dorian give the powerful insights about palmistry in a very user-friendly manner. In this book, you will find out about character traits and personality prototypes that are associated with each of the seven mounts of the palm. It will help you determine which of the seven are the most powerful and the ones that are vital for influencing an individual’s nature.

This is a book that has excellently analyzed palm reading. To help you comprehend the subtleties of the hand, this book offers examples for you to see. Additionally, the book has detailed and vivid photos for these explanations. The photos are accompanied by very sensible clarifications for all the discussed characteristics.

The book does not only consist of the most general information about palmistry interpretations but also, the most detailed ones too. The authors have clearly illustrated phalanges, spacing, major palm lines-heart, head, life, Saturn, Apollo, and Mercury, and a lot more for a cohesive reading. This book is great for any palmistry beginner or expert. It is a big book and therefore this guarantees you that every detail is an insight for pure knowledge.

Palm Reading for Beginners, by Kenneth Lagerstrom

Have you ever thought that your palm may possess the answers you have been seeking? If you are a palmistry novice, or it has crossed your mind, then, Palm Reading for Beginners is the book to help you get started. With this book, you will find yourself having dived deep into this alluring subject in no time. It is a window for you to see through your past, present, and future, all presented in a uniting language- hands.

The book also contains the core principles of palm reading like mental clarity improvement and understanding your potential. Discover how you can analyze all the features of the palm; the lines, shapes and hand movements, gestures, the mounts, and fingerprint patterns. Ultimately, you will understand what you need to do to put all these unique palm features together in giving meaning to your everyday life.

To give you an easy time as you try to understand the practice, there are illuminating illustrations. Clear and crisp drawings have been used in the entire book. The palm reading methods discussed in the book will allow you to see into a hand and also help you to make an interpretation.

Talk to The Hand, by Vernon Mahabal

According to Vernon, everyone can tap into palmistry for insight, a greater understanding, and reflection. This is why he has used Talk to The Hand to reveal all the tricks that come with this trade. The book has been put together based on an extensive research and lots of the author’s experiences. It comes systematized with some of the most popular inquiries gathered by the acclaimed author regarding palmistry.

The book is a captivating guide for anyone who wishes to assess individual or other people’s psychology, abilities, personalities, and talents through palmistry. It features clearly drawn diagrams with simple and straightfoward texts that are your gateways for important answers and possible solutions to burning questions.

This book will transport you into the palmistry world by allowing you to explore the art’s astrological side. It will also help you discover the strengths and weaknesses of an individual’s character traits as portrayed by hand analysis. It is a reference point for how you can use the hand’s terrain to understand major causes for certain behaviors. As a bonus, take a detailed look into the eight most hellacious hand topographies.

Handful of Stars, by Helene Saucedo

If you have ever thought of palmistry as an overwhelming or difficult art, then you have not read Helene’s Handful of Stars. This book is not your ordinary palmistry book. It comes with a hand printing kit to accurately guide you as you read along. The book has beautifully analyzed all there is to know about palmistry using a novel twist. It makes the hand an exquisite map for guiding you or others into becoming wiser. It features well-detailed steps about this ancient art for you to deeply understand what it is all about.

It is ideal for both novices, expert palm readers, and hand analysts with informative and entertaining content.  It has a historical background about palmistry. The kit comes with several preprinted and perforated sheets for the readers to create palm prints and write down notes on single paper sheets. It also contains an ink pad, a gel pen, and an ink roller. This kit allows one to use actual fingerprints and therefore, it will help beginners understand everything easily and more clearly. Handful of Stars is simply a fun and interactive palmistry book.

Your Life Is In Your Hands, by Kay Packard

This is a book that will help you gain crystal clear information to support you into opening your eyes into an inner wisdom and guidance. It is a secret code to help you understand some of your life’s patterns, career aptness, emotional choices, preferences, and style.

The book teaches the principles of how you can read the peculiar markings of your hands or those of others. You may not have known it, but your hands offer the most dependable and definitive assessment tools for you to live your best life. You have been guided step by step on how to identify and interpret these markings for you to gain a profound approach for harnessing wisdom in creating better strategies.

The book has explored more than fifty features of the hands using illustrations of actual handprints and individual stories. Discover the meaning behind your love style, computing system, vitality needs, high potentiality, extra energy boosts, and a lot more. You are also clearly shown how to positively and negatively combine all the gathered interpretations into “mantras” of affirmation. These mantras are what guide you into living fully.

The exercises provided at the end of the book’s chapters exhibit how to blend the multiple markings for the creation of a unique, mind-blowing, and powerful readings. From all the information you have gathered, come up with a Conscious Living Statement and Action using the book’s guiding steps.

In Focus Palmistry, by Roberta Vernon

This book gives readers an exhaustive overview of what the hands are saying. Discover the undisclosed strengths and weaknesses within yourself and within others as you get a glimpse of the art of palmistry. You will get to find out about all these aspects from the analysis of the palms, mounts, fingerprints, fingers, and nails. In the introduction, Roberta has deeply explored the question, “Can your hands unveil your future?”

Each chapter discusses various aspects of palmistry. There is insightful content on how to look at the hands and excellently make out the head, heart, Apollo/sun, and fate lines. Unravel what the marks, skin ridge patterns, different colors, and warts mean. The book is also beautiful as the author has employed Art Deco framing and magical Victorian artwork. Diagrams have been used to define aspects such as breaks in palm lines. To offer you a convenient reference, the book features an 18 by 24-inch wall chart with beautiful illustrations that detail the main elements of palm reading.

What makes this book even more interesting is that it employs a modern approach to educate readers about the body, mind and spiritual matters. Having this book in your hand will help you comprehend topics about; sexuality, business and money, love and relationships, career aptitudes and individual talents, success and failure, parents and in-laws, children, other influential people, health, home and property issues, travel, and pets.


Palmistry books will allow you to see what kind of power lies within your hands. They are insightful and will help palm reading novices and experts with a lot of insights for definitive readings. They can grow their palm reading skills and be guided through this unique craft. However, palmistry books are not written just for palm readers. See if you can develop an interest for palmistry with the books discussed in this article.

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