17 Things You Must Know That Will Help You Turn Your Fears Into Confidence by Kossi Afedo
Cancer diagnosis, Cancer treatment, Cancer prevention – Interviews with Oncologist & Hematologist Dr. Med. Thomas A. Walter
A personal message from the author:
When it comes to cancer, how can you segregate Facts from Myths?
My name is Kossi Afedo and I was diagnosed with cancer in 2013.
It was a rough time for me and it didn't help that I was bombarded with jargon and medical terms I am not familiar with.
With all the available information online, it can be confusing and stressful, especially for someone ill.
For a time, I was lost and hopeless…
But then I met Dr. Med. Thomas A. Walter
He helped me get back on track by providing first-hand information that helped me conquer my fears about cancer.
Since then, my life has changed positively…As a cancer survivor, I want to share with you my victory through this book called
Converting Fears Into Confidence
This book is a compilation of questions and answers from my comprehensive interview with Dr. Thomas.
This is a useful guide that has enlightened me, my family, and my friends about cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.And now it's your turn.
— Kossi Afedo
This book is designed to give first-hand information from a cancer survivor and his physician that has 25 years of experience in Oncology and Hematology.
This guide provides answers to a series of practical questions about cancer, including but not limited to the following:
- The causes of cancer.
- Why you should not be too afraid about cancer in the 21st century.
- How can you know if you have cancer?
- How your gender reacts to cancer.
- The best forms of treatment that are available to deal with cancer.
- How you can protect yourself and your loved ones from cancer.
- How to prevent cancer with a healthy lifestyle.
- Cancer and modern diet.
- Important tips you need about chemotherapy and radiation.
- And much more.
Knowledge is a great asset for anyone who wishes to live above cancer and this book is an amazing compass for you to embark on that journey.
AmazonMy profession is online marketing and development (10+ years experience), check my latest mobile app called Upcoming or my Chrome extensions for ChatGPT. But my real passion is reading books both fiction and non-fiction. I have several favorite authors like James Redfield or Daniel Keyes. If I read a book I always want to find the best part of it, every book has its unique value.