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2023 Kindle Deals
My Forbidden Billionaire Enemy by Sandra Rae for $0.99 (September 18-24)
Mission 1: All in a Day's Work (Sophia of the Bright Red Sneakers) by Susan Stoderl for $1.99 (September 18 – October 1)
Adult ADHD: Taming the Mental Chaos by S. S. Leigh for Free! (September 29 – October 1)
Biggest Economies in Asia by Yeonsil Yoo for $2.99 (September 23-30)
No, You Cannot JUST SNAP OUT OF IT! by Evelyn Rodas for $0.99 (September 19-25)
Biggest Economies in Asia by Yeonsil Yoo for $0.99 (September 21-22)
Neck Pain: Short Stories by Matt Gibson for Free! (September 24-28)
A Simple Love Story (A Simple Love Story Series Book 1) by Joan Anderson for $0.99 (September 12-19)
The Hundred Dollar Hustle: Blueprint For a Profitable Business by Rodney T Harris for $2.99 (September 20-30)
Rejection Happens for a Reason by S Mukesh Rao for Free! (September 18-22)
The Queen of Ice: Raoulin the Mad Dog by Astrid Lorel for $0.99 (September 8-15)
Another Kind of Devil by N.B. Clarke for Free! (September 10-17)
Jim's Revenge (Audible) by Andrew R Williams for Free! (September 9-16)
Mystery in the Metaverse by Nick Airus for Free! (September 10-11)
The Hundred Dollar Hustle: Blueprint For a Profitable Business by Rodney T Harris for Free! (September 9-10)
The CBT Social Anxiety Workbook for Women by Adele Payne for Free! (September 9-13)
Emerging From the Dark: Wish I Knew About This by Terence Ang for $0.99 (August 31 – September 7)
The Lightwood Family Adventure Series: Road Trip to Mount Aurora by Abbix Publishing for $0.99 (August 29 – September 5)
The Protectress by Ayura Ayira for Free! (September 7-8)
How to Talk to AnyONE or THOUSANDS by Carl Wolfe for $0.99 (September 5-12)
Crystal Manifestation by T. C. Harrison for $0.99 (September 1-8)
The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team (Esports & Competitive Gaming) by Zoltan Andrejkovics for Free! (August 18-22)
The Future Of Book Publishing by Joel Stafford for Free! (August 18-22)
93 Laws of Robotics by A.D. Zoltan for Free! (August 18-22)
Unlock Your Best Self & Conquer Grief by Ann Zachariah M.D. for Free! (August 21-23)
Goodnight Forest Animals by Timeless Tree Tales for $0.99 (August 13-20)
A Conjuring of Ravens by Azalea Ellis for $0.99 (August 10-16)
Bright Expanse (The Brightness Trilogy Book 2) by Daniel Zeigler for $0.99 (August 1-7)
Dollars and Sense: A Kids Money Guide (Saving Sammy) by Rodney T. Harris for Free! (July 29 – August 2)
Saving Sammy: A Kids Guide to Financial Literacy by Rodney T. Harris for $2.99 (July 20-31)
Break My Bones by Michelle Ian for $0.99 (July 10-16)
Incitement by Ayla Jameson for $0.99 (July 9-15)
Out Of Darkness Comes by Nala Nicole for Free! (July 4-10)
Percy the Plump Panda by Timeless Tree Tales for Free! (July 3-7)
Branding Your Brilliance: A Step-by-Step Guide to Personal Branding by Catherine Epps for Free! (July 1-5)
Break My Bones by Michelle Ian for $0.99 (June 30 – July 9)
Another Kind of Devil by N.B. Clarke for Free! (June 30 – July 3)
Ecommerce Inventory by Peter Schmitt Kusanovic for $7.99 (June 21-25)
3 Proven Passive Income Ideas in 2023 by Finance Polymath for Free! (June 17-22)
Words of Wisdom (The Build A Better Life Series) by Nathan Pynnos for Free! (June 17-18)
Bad Boys Don't Date Clumsy Girls (Oak Grove High Book 1) by KE Strand for $0.99 (June 14-16)
Anger Management with Emotional Regulation by Marcee A Martin for Free! (June 6-8)
How to Genuinely Love Yourself by Marcee A Martin for Free! (June 6-8)
Self-Love Workbook for Midlife Women by Marcee A Martin for Free! (June 6-8)
Self-Love Workbook for Midlife Women by Marcee A Martin for $0.99 (May 31 – June 5)
The Radical Emotional Regulation and Self-Love Workbook for Adults by S. S. Leigh for Free! (June 2-4)
Reawakened Flames (Sparks Shall Rise Book 1) by Lindsay McCafferty for Free! (Permanent)
Missing Reflections by Robert Cavazos for Free! (August 3-8)
The Boy With The Witch's Nails by Shannon Shim for $0.99 (May 23-26)
Irrelevant (The Relevance Series Book 1) by Sarah Addison-Fox for Free! (May 30 – June 5)
The Secret Lives of Cats by Cynthia Ferguson for $0.99 (May 12-18)
A Measure of Rhyme (Ages of Malice Book II) by Lloyd Jeffries for $0.99 (May 12-18)
Pathways Of Emotional Healing by Tom Sarsons for Free! (May 1-5)
Embracing the Unknown: Exploring the Pathways to Change by Lisa DeAngelis for $0.99 (April 24 – May 6)
Thrive: Long-Term Wilderness Survival Guide by Juan Pablo Quiñonez for Free! (April 26-30)
Henry Halifax and the Tutori's Cloak by Atlas Swift for Free! (April 22-26)
Overcoming Overthinking by Kirk Teachout for Free! (April 18-20)
How to Talk to Anyone at Work by Carl Wolfe for $0.99 (April 17-24)
My brother and his tail by Joahnes Gatdula for Free! (April 12-14)
The Ten Steps to Journaling by A. C. Zito for Free! (March 20-24)
Banana Split Brain by Tzipora S. Wolff for Free! (March 23-24)
Where are My Monster Friends? by Rachel R. & Smart Kids Zone for $2.99 (March 2-8)
Good Night, Sleepy Planets: Bedtime Stories from Lisa by for $2.99 (February 28 – March 2)
Love and Marriage: Cartoons About Imperfect People Managing Their Most Important Relationships by Arthur Hartz, Mike Wolfe and Heroud Ramos for $0.99 (February 20-27)
A Car – And The Art of Maintaining A Body by Alf Erik Malm for $0.99 (February 15-22)
Schedule Send: In 20 Years by Ava Angler for Free! (February 13)
Mindfulness and Crime Don't Mix by Paul Brackley for $0.99 (February 12-19)
Conjunction (The Wise Society Book 1) by A. D. Zoltan and Steven N. Nagy for $0.99 (January 23-30)
Mythion: Human Transformation by Jason Davis for $0.99 (January 22-28)
Rose Diamond: Roland by Issac Brooks for Free! (January 13-14)
A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (January 8)
2022 Kindle Deals
The Animaldian: Nightmares in the Rain by S.P. Cox for $0.99 (December 26 – January 2)
A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (December 17)
Doomsday for the Disco Goblin by Jonathan Culverhouse for Free! (December 12-16)
Nora, a Neanderthal girl (We are the Hominins Series) by Mary A. Graves for $0.99 (December 9-12)
A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (December 8)
Life of An Alaskan Log Builder by Greg Anderson for $2.99 (December 1-10)
Somawise by Luke Sniewski for $0.99 (December 8-14)
The Scorching Desert (The Broken Kingdom Book 1) by Brysen Taylor for Free! (December 1-5)
A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (November 30)
Little Tim and the Magic Apples by Hillie Jeffery for $0.99 (November 25-30)
Click and Grow Rich by Paul Browning for Free! (November 24-27)
Fallen Star (Project Gauntlet Book 1) by Richard Turner for Free! (November 26-28)
A Practical DBT Workbook for Radically Eliminating Neurodivergent Disorders by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (November 22)
Chaos in my Wake by A.V. Shener for Free! (November 21-23)
Ready Ryan Rhino Races River Rabbit Round the Rainbow by Wanda Carter Roush for Free! (November 13-16)
Wild Waterslide Race: A Silly, Slippery, And Soaking Wet Competition by Dave Ball for Free! (November 8)
Fields Of Blood (The Horse Lord Book 1) by Arthur Drake for $0.99 (November 5-12)
True Winter (A Series of Four Seasons Book 1) by Q.K. Petty for $0.99 (November 5-12)
Secrets of Sea Pines by Robert J. Perreault for $0.99 (November 1-15)
Wild Waterslide Race: A Silly, Slippery, And Soaking Wet Competition by Dave Ball for Free! (November 1)
Let's Kidnap Me by Kyle Guillou for Free! (October 31 – November 4)
Chip the Truck Delivers Christmas Gifts by Julia Zheng for Free! (October 26-28)
Conjunction (The Wise Society Book 1) by A. D. Zoltan and Steven N. Nagy for Free! (October 25-29)
Autumn's Angel (Romancing the Spirit Book 6) by CB Samet for Free! (October 19-23)
Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book by Scott Lorenz for $0.99 (October 18-20)
Autumn's Angel (Romancing the Spirit Book 6) by CB Samet for Free! (October 16-18)
Passive Income Ideas in the 21st Century by Ken Horton for $0.99 (October 13-20)
When a Taker Dreams by J. A. Jackson for Free! (October 12-19)
The Raven's Fall: Emerald Raven Series by Rose Walken for Free! (October 8-10)
Shadow and Smite (The Isles of Fae Book 1) by Mel Braxton for $0.99 (October 6-12)
Love On The North Shore Box Set One by Christina Tetreault for $0.99 (October 5-12)
The Deceiver by J. A. Jackson for $0.99 (October 4-11)
Boo's Halloween Walk by Julia Zheng and Amurtha Godage for Free! (October 4-6)
The Social Strategist by Ali Scarlett and Lucio Buffalmano for $0.99 (October 1-7)
Living with Bipolar by Heather Middleton for $0.99 (September 26 – October 3)
A Practical DBT Skills Workbook for Modern Teens & Adolescents by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (September 21-22)
2032 by Dan Padbury for Free! (September 20-22)
The Scent of Gardenias: A Strong Woman Overcoming Circumstances Novel by Lorraine Haas for $0.99 (September 19-25)
Start Your Channel: The Ultimate Guide To Making Money On YouTube by Daniel Tell for $0.99 (September 15-22)
A Practical DBT Skills Workbook for Modern Teens & Adolescents by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (September 14-15)
The Entrepreneur Makeover by Andreas Ioannou for $0.99 (September 12-18)
A Broken Reality by Rob Kaufman for $0.99 (September 9-16)
A Practical DBT Skills Workbook for Modern Teens & Adolescents by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (September 8-9)
Pogpog and the Mud Bath by Ebba Kay for $2.99 (September 4-25)
If U Don't Ask by R. T. Burda for Free! (August 31 – September 2)
A Practical DBT Skills Workbook for Modern Teens & Adolescents by Christopher Edward and Nazih Ideer for Free! (August 25-30)
When a Taker Dreams by J. A. Jackson for Free! (Permanent)
The Man in the Dark Night by Arya Ayaan for $0.99 (August 19-25)
Our Love is the Cure by Matt Buonocore for Free! (August 13-25)
Be Mentally Strong During Tough Times by Michael Drew for Free! (August 12-13)
Unforgettable Eats by D. Z. Dunn for $0.99 (August 3-10)
LOOP: A Pulse-Pounding Novel of Science-Fiction Horror by William Kely McClung for Free! (August 3-7)
The Ingenious, and the Colour of Life by J. Y. Sam for Free! (August 5-9)
Troaell Bridges by Edward Buckett for $0.99 (July 29 - August 5)
The New Age: The Caribbean Witch by Vox Deruste for $0.99 (July 26 - August 7)
The Mysterious Language of Numerology & Angel Numbers by Charlie Emerson for Free! (July 27-31)
Five Steps Black: Steps Worth Taking by Gene-O for Free! (July 25-27)
Goliath (A Ryan Mitchell Thriller Book 1) by Richard Turner for Free! (Permanent)
Conjunction (The Wise Society Book 1) by A. D. Zoltan & Steven N. Nagy for $0.99 (July 24-31)
Conquering Depression by Steven Koss for Free! (July 22-24)
I Will Miss You: A Children's Picture Book to Help Kids Cope with the Death of a Loved One by Ben King for Free! (July 19)
Emotional Intelligence for the Modern Workplace by Morten Johnson for Free! (July 14-18)
Eden Thrives Within by J.M. Harrison for Free! (July 12-16)
How Not to Be My Patient by Edward T. Creagan MD for $0.99 (July 4-9)
Tales From A Rainbow's End: Best of Children Classics by Suresh Thadhani for $2.99 (July 2-9)
Sexual Wellness by Charles Runels et al. for $0.99 (June 21-28)
Uncovering Raven: Emerald Raven Series by Rose Walken for Free! (June 24-26)
Die Kunst der Durchsetzungsfähigkeit Beherrschen (Deutsch) by Jonathan Specht for €0.99 (June 18-24)
A Broken Reality by Rob Kaufman for $0.99 (June 16-20)
Yoga for Public Speaking by Margie Newman for Free! (June 10-14)
From Suffering to Healing by Trinity Royal for $0.99 (June 8-14)
How To Create Your Bragg Book For a Competitive Job Market by Winifred Bragg MD for $0.99 (June 1-30)
Lilith and the Psychopath by Johnny Malapert for Free! (June 8-15)
Plant Based Beast by Victor Adler for $1.99 (June 8-15)
Out for Blood by Michael Lister for $0.99 (June 3-10)
The Shattering: An Ashen Wasteland Series by Tim Elkins for Free! (Permanent)
Bright Triad by Daniel Zeigler for $0.99 (June 4)
How I Learned to Like My Mom by Dorenda Doyle for $2.99 (May 31 - June 14)
Pregnancy Guide for Men: How to Be the Best Partner and Father From Conception To Birth and Beyond by New Dad Support for $0.99 (May 28)
Bump (A Witchlight Novel) by Jaime Munn for $0.99 (May 23-25)
Jasmine: Case One (The Lt. Kate Gazzara Murder Files Book 1) by Blair Howard for Free! (May 19-20)
Top 100 Job Interview Questions and How to Successfully Answer Them by Maynard Parks for $2.99 (May 17-20)
Cloud-Named-Chloe and Her Cat Louey by Kaby for Free! (May 6-8)
The Ninth Gear by Sanjeev Loomba for $0.99 (May 4-5)
Hexed in Texas (Baba Yaga Chronicles Book 1) by Kathy Burford for $0.99 (April 29 - May 4)
Marriage Counseling Made Easy by Alice Gardner for $0.99 (April 22-30)
Long Live The 12 Rules to Live Long by Jordan River for Free! (April 26-27)
Decentralized Finance (DeFi) – A Beginner’s Guide by Eddie Wolfie for Free! (April 24-25)
God's letters: 132 Capital Letters came during a Vision in 2001 by Athanasio Celia for $0.99 (April 17-24)
Take The Robot Out of The Human by Julian Boram for $0.99 (April 19-23)
Transition Offense Against Any Defense: A Comprehensive Guide For Basketball Coaches by Dejan Ilic for Free! (April 15-17)
LOOP by William Kely McClung for $0.99 (April 8-14)
The Fabric Over The Moon: 28 short stories from unlikely heroes by Ferran Plana for $0.99 (March 27 - April 2)
The First 100 Days of Your Book: Book Marketing for Self-Published Authors by Joel Stafford for Free! (March 3-7)
Good Night My Little Superheros by Baron Young for Free! (February 26 - March 2)
AS-IS: The Roadmap to Flipping Houses by Anthony Rosado for $0.99 (February 21 - March 1)
Rebecca Steele Chasing a Dream (Rebecca Steele Series Book 1) by Joanne Patterson for $0.99 (February 20-27)
The Ingenious, and the Colour of Life by J.Y. Sam for $2.99 (February 1-28)
Sadistic Pleasures: Silent Crimes of Azerbaijan by Ashkhen Arakelyan for Free! (February 18-20)
A Guide to the Climate Apocalypse by Vítězslav Kremlík for Free! (February 18-20)
Harbor City Homicide by David Bradbury for $4.99 (February 5-11)
Deus Vult: A Tale of the First Crusade by James Lopez for $0.99 (January 27 - February 17)
Finally Got It Right: Romance Stories from Small Towns and Big Cities by C.K O'Connor Et al. for $0.99 (January 20 - February 12)
The Water Bear by Groucho Jones for Free! (February 1-9)
Gerald's War by Nigel Davies-Williams for Free! (January 28-29)
Poems For You And Me: Kindle Your Spirit by Ramesh Maharaj for $7.99 (January 9-14)
A Newborn Business: Esports by Zoltan Andrejkovics for $0.99 (January 7-14)
Behavioral Astrology by Charlie Emerson for Free! (January 5-9)
Vive La Difference by Guy Blaise for $0.99 (January 4-11)
Gerald's War by Nigel Davies-Williams for Free! (January 6-8)
Journey to the Hopewell Star by Hannah D. State for $5.29 (January 1-7)
Boutone, The Boy Monster Of The Okefenokee Swamp by William Davis for $0.99 (December 31 - January 6)
2021 Kindle Deals
Children of the Star by Sharon Irwin Henry for $5.99 (December 2-31)
Lies and Magic by Will Boehm for $0.99 (December 24-31)
Memory Improvement Next-Gen by Dan Agervig Hansen for $0.99 (December 14-21)
The Adventures of Abel Span by Kevin J.B. O'Connor for $0.99 (December 15-22)
Blue Diamonds (The Blue Diamonds Saga Book 1) by R.E. Murphy for Free! (December 9-13)
17 Things You Must Know That Will Help You Turn Your Fears Into Confidence by Kossi Afedo for Free! (December 8-12)
Some Animals by Joshua Todd James for $0.99 (December 1-9)
Reaching Goals In A Timely Manner by H.A. Husny for Free! (November 24)
Love, Empathy, and Project Management by Rohit Romley for Free! (November 23-24)
The Munich Girl by Phyllis Edgerly Ring for $0.99 (November 23-29)
Raven and Her Magical Friends by Jatoria Crews for $0.99 (November 22-27)
The Empire's Bladesmen: Forbidden Relics by Clay Vagrant for $2.99 (November 16-30)
The Broken Circle by Enjeela Ahmadi-Miller for $0.99 (November 10-30)
How Lucky by Will Leitch for $1.99 (November 1-30)
The Destroyer of Worlds by Steven Seril for Free! (November 13-17)
The Heroic and Exceptional Minority by Gregory Diehl for $0.99 (November 4-10)
The Invisible Game: Mindset of a Winning Team by Zoltan Andrejkovics for $0.99 (November 1-8)
Communicate Effectively: Dos and Don’ts by Jay Kohler for $0.99 (October 31 - November 7)
Bad Medicine by James B. Cohoon for Free! (October 29 - November 4)
Change Starts With Me: Memoirs of an Unwanted Child by Taida Spicer for $0.99 (October 26 - November 3)
Her Majesty's Auditor by Markus Pfeiler for $0.99 (October 16-30)
A Newborn Business: Esports by Zoltan Andrejkovics for $0.99 (October 20-27)
Mageborn (Ancestral Magic Book 1) by Michael DeAngelo for Free! (September 28 - October 27)
The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells for Free! (October 11-28)
Soul Therapy For The Worried Mind by Vincent King for Free! (October 22-25)
The Insulthin Diet: The Lazy Way to Lose Weight by Mike Grego for Free! (October 19)
Little Tim and the Magic Apples by Hillie Jeffery for Free! (October 4-8)
Son of the Storm by Michael DeAngelo for $0.99 (October 11-18)
Tales of Reverba: A New Ember by Jordan Spicer for $0.99 (September 22 - October 9)
A Love Attempt by Morhaf Al Achkar for Free! (September 10 - October 9)
Afterworld by James G. Robertson for $0.99 (September 8-15)
Successor of Magic by Jonathon Mcelhaney for $0.99 (September 20-26)
The Lost Locket by Joyce Licorish for $0.99 (September 1-8)
New Moon Astrology by Angela Grace for $0.99 (August 26 - September 2)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson for $1.99 (August 24-29)
The Best of Friends by Lucinda Berry for $1.99 (August 1-31)
A Ghostly Assignment. . . and its lasting heritage by Rosalind Minett for Free! (August 20-22)
Apotheosis Now: Rabbit Hole to the Beyond by Yanhao Huang for $1.49 (August 1-31)
Tough Karma by Laura Simmons for $0.99 (August 12-16)
The Founder Success Formula by Ross Franklin for Free! (August 8-10)
A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab for $4.99 (August 6-10)
How To Fight Coronavirus With Eating by Wilson Henry Chan for Free! (July 22 - August 3)
Intuitive Business Connections by Jadi Kindred for $0.99 (July 20 - August 3)
Greatest Battles for Boys by Ryan Rhoderick for Free! (July 26-29)
The Crimson Arrow by Sam Gallenberger for Free! (July 23-28)
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman for $1.99 (July 22-28)
7-Figure Minds by Alinka Rutkowska for $0.99 (July 20-23)
The Addiction Manifesto by JR Weaver for Free! (July 10-21)
The Stethoscope and the Snorkel by Tzipora Wolff for Free! (July 14-15)
Language is Everything by Anna Jiang for Free! (July 12-15)
Use Your Noodle by Tzipora Wolff for Free! (July 14-15)
Whole Heart by Michelle Felix for $0.99 (June 24 - July 18)
Crossriver: A Fifth-Dimensional Feast by Ely Jason for Free! (July 5-8)
Dagger and Shadow Ninja by Timothy P. Callahan for $0.99 (July 1-8)
Becoming by Nadia Brown for $0.99 (Permanent)
Together: AI and Human. On The Same Side. by Zoltan Andrejkovics for Free! (July 1-5)
Being Authentic by Morhaf Al Achkar for Free! (July 1-3)
You. Forever. by Emma Wagner for $0.99 (June 27 - July 5)
Narco Noir by Carmen Amato for Free! (June 24)
Fairy 'Fro: Floats with Flows by Keith J. Beasley for Free! (June 21-25)
Help is on the Way by David Friedman for Free! (June 21-25)
A Guide To Inbound Marketing For Small Business by Izabela Cottle for Free! (June 21-22)
CarpeDiem by Corinne Julienne for Free! (Permanent)
Making Waves by Kim Boland for $1.99 (Permanent)
Summer Frost (Forward collection) by Blake Crouch for $0.99 (June 6-12)
Devoted by Dean Koontz for $2.99 (June 1-5)
Forgiveness by Fanica Rarinca for Free! (May 30 - June 3)
The Girl Who Lived by Christopher Greyson for $2.99 (May 27-31)
Winter World by A.G. Riddle for $0.99 (May 27-30)
Divorce? You've Got This, Ladies! by Beth A. Nocar for Free! (May 24-27)
Waves of You by Michelle G. Stradford for $2.99 (May 18-21)
The First 100 Days of Your Book by Joel Stafford for $0.99 (May 16-23)
A Newborn Business: Esports by Zoltan Andrejkovics for $0.99 (May 6-13)
Neanderthals by Serag Monier for Free! (May 9-10)
Your Next Big Idea by Samuel Sanders for $2.99 (May 3-8)